Cook for the Cause with Chaîne des Rôtisseurs

Hotel Arts
January 18, 2019
Join Executive Chef Quinn Staple at Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Cook for the Cause.

Founded in Paris in 1950, Chaîne des Rôtisseurs has grown into an International Gastronomy association with nearly 25,000 members across 80 countries. The group brings together enthusiasts who share values of quality, fine dining, and encouragement of the culinary arts. Highly regarded in the hospitality and culinary communities, Mark Wilson is the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, Bailli Provincial of the Prairies.

The association brings together amateurs and professionals from all over the world for competitions and mentorship opportunities. This structure has opened the doors for some the world’s best chefs, including our very own, Executive Chef Quinn Staple, who is an alumni of their Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs competitions, placing 2nd in 2010 nationally and 3rd in 2011.

Baked Potato Gnocchi, Oxbow Calgary
Baked Potato Gnocchi

On February 2nd, Chaîne des Rôtisseurs will be hosting a Cook for the Cause Kitchen Party Fundraiser at SAIT’s Tastemarket. Hotel Arts is a culinary sponsor of the event, and Chef Quinn will be preparing a mini version of our baked potato gnocchi. Highly involved and regarded in the culinary community Quinn notes that “Chaîne des Rôtisseurs opened a lot of doors for me as a young chef and now I have the opportunity to give back to the up-and-coming chefs”.


Purchase Tickets for Cook for the Cause Here.