Happy Pride from Hotel Arts

Hotel Arts
June 10, 2022
A building becomes a destination when the people it houses can emanate the truth of who they are and be celebrated for it.
Why Do We Celebrate Pride?

As we all know, Pride is more than rainbows, fun cocktails, celebrations, or parades. Although all these things are fun ways for us to unite as a community, at its core, Pride stands for strength, unity, and acceptance. It represents the overcoming of years of hardship, discrimination, and aggression, and the understanding that in many places across the world (and even in our own backyard) this hardship and discrimination is still present. 

Pride month is a time for us to unite and show our pride together as one community because when we come together to support the LGBTQ2+ community we help to make Calgary a safer and healthier place to live! 

Why June? 

June 28th, 1969 is a day that has been marked as a catalyst for the emerging LGBTQ2+ movement. In the early hours of June 28th, the Stonewall Inn (Greenwich Village, NY), a well-established gay bar was raided by police. But after years of harassment, discrimination, and prejudice, New York’s LGBTQ2+ community had no plans to stand down. What ensued was three days of neighbourhood riots primarily led by transgender women of colour that eventually led to the uprising of the emerging gay rights movement. 

A year after the Stonewall Riots, the nation held its first pride marches to commemorate the uprising. The Stonewall Riots sparked a non-violent movement nationally and across the world, and eventually, June was deemed Pride Month in honour of these riots.  


Standing As One. 

As a community, it is important to recognize that although many strides have been made to create safer and more inclusive communities for LGBTQ2+ individuals, they still face discrimination and hardship. As a community, it is important to recognize that creating inclusive environments for LGBTQ2+ individuals is an important part of creating safer and more welcoming communities. 

At Hotel Arts we recognize the diversity and equality of our Artisans, irrespective of their gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, colour, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, marital status, family status and source of income. At Hotel Arts we value our people and value that they feel safe and comfortable in their work environment. We work to create a work environment that feels accessible and welcoming to all.


A word from Nate Fargo | Assistant Manager Yellow Door Bistro 

“To me, Pride is about equality, evolution, and education! Growing up in rural Saskatchewan helped me understand that a lot of people are afraid of the unknown or what they don’t understand, so being able to educate fellow humans on the LGBTQ2+ community to help them have a greater understanding and kindness towards our community has been a huge part of my life. 

Being employed by a company that values individuality and all walks of life is a refreshing experience, having an LGBTQ2+ community within the community of Hotel Arts is extremely unique, heartwarming and uplifting. 

It helps to create a workplace where I’m seen as a valued employee rather than just the gay employee. 


Community resources 

While we love to do our part to support the Pride movement, we also recognize that there are many other fantastic resources out there for individuals in the LGBTQ2+ community as well as allies of the community. We have listed below some resources that provide information and support for the LGBTQ2+ community and its allies.

The Alex Youth Health Centre  

LGBTQ+-friendly youth health centre (including psychology) and drop-in centre.  

Phone: 403-520-6270  

The Trevor Project

International suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people. 

Text: text “START” to 678-678 

Call: 1-866-488-7386 

LGBT Youthline  

Youth Line offers confidential and non-judgemental peer support through our telephone, text and chat services. Get in touch with a peer support volunteer from Sunday to Friday, 4:00PM to 9:30 PM. 

Call: 647-694-4275 


A word from Ryan Hurl | Manager on Duty Hotel Arts 

“I have not always been able to be myself in all spaces. It can take a lot of energy to withhold who you are. At times, it can feel like the best choice. I’m sure most people recognize what it feels like to be excluded, or to wonder if the people around you are accepting. It’s not a pleasant feeling. At times, it can even feel dangerous.  

For me, this is what makes the recognition of Pride month special. Pride is inclusive, striving to dismantle the properties that lead to being left out. Pride is about safety gained through the care we offer one another, in the form of acceptance.  

What does it mean for me when a space is affirming and recognizes Pride month? Affirmation of Pride is the recognition of diversity. This means everyone is included and accepted.  

Pride translates into authentic inclusion for all.  

For me, these are values worthy of celebration!   

It means a lot to me that Hotel Arts embraces diversity with affirming spaces. Pride flags greet guests at the front desk during Pride month. Hotel Arts is a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community, and for all people in need of a home away from home. Hotel Arts is an international environment where guests connect and congregate safely from all over the world.  

Hotel Arts demonstrates year-round: “You are welcome here!”  

Embracing individual differences grants access to our many talents. I strive to offer the invitation of inclusion to everyone I meet. I am fortunate that my values align with my place of work. Working at a busy Downtown International Hotel, I have realized Pride represents true hospitality. Pride is the unshakable choice to care for and include all individuals.  

 A building becomes a destination when the people it houses can emanate the truth of who they are and be celebrated for it.  

I know and cherish that all are welcome at Hotel Arts, this month, and year-round. In fact, I take pride in that truth.”